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The White Lady of Hazelwood: A Tale of the Fourteenth Century Page 2
The White Lady of Hazelwood: A Tale of the Fourteenth Century Read online
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_The Goldsmith's Daughter_.
"I can live A life that tells on other lives, and makes This world less full of evil and of pain-- A life which, like a pebble dropped at sea, Sends its wide circles to a hundred shores."
Rev Horatius Bonar, D.D.
The coming hypocras interested Mr Tynneslowe more than its bearer. Hewas privately wondering, as he sat awaiting it, whether Mr Altham wouldhave any in his cellar that was worth drinking, especially after that ofhis royal master. His next remark, however, had reference to Amphillis.
"It makes little matter, good Master, that I see the maid," said he."The lady or her waiting-damsels shall judge best of her. You and I cantalk over the money matters and such. I am ill-set to judge of maids:they be kittle gear."
"Forsooth, they be so!" assented Mr Altham, with a sigh: for his fairand wayward Alexandra had cost him no little care before that summerafternoon. "And to speak truth, Master Tynneslowe, I would not be sorryto put the maid forth, for she is somewhat a speckled bird in minehouse, whereat the rest do peck. Come within!"
The door of the little chamber opened, and Amphillis appeared carrying atray, whereon was set a leather bottle flanked by two silver cups, asilver plate containing cakes, and a little silver-gilt jar withpreserved ginger. Glass and china were much too rare and costlyarticles for a tradesman to use, but he who had not at least two orthree cups and plates of silver in his closet was a very poor man. Ofcourse these, by people in Mr Altham's position, were kept for best,the articles commonly used being pewter or wooden plates, and horn cups.
Amphillis louted to the visitor--that is, she dropped what we call acharity school-girl's "bob"--and the visitor rose and courtesied inreply, for the courtesy was then a gentleman's reverence. She set downthe tray, poured out wine for her uncle and his guest into the silvercups, handed the cakes and ginger, and then quietly took her departure.
"A sober maid and a seemly, in good sooth," said Mr Tynneslowe, whenthe door was shut. "Hath she her health reasonable good? She looks butwhite."
"Ay, good enough," said the patty-maker, who knew that Amphillis wassufficiently teased and worried by those lively young ladies, hercousins, to make any girl look pale.
"Good. Well, what wages should content you?"
Mr Altham considered that question with pursed lips and hands in hispockets.
"Should you count a mark [13 shillings 4 pence] by the year too much?"
This would come to little over ten pounds a year at present value, andseems a very poor salary for a young lady; but it must be rememberedthat she was provided with clothing, as well as food and lodging, andthat she was altogether free from many expenses which we should reckonnecessaries--umbrellas and parasols, watches, desks, stamps, andstationery.
"Scarce enough, rather," was the unexpected answer. "Mind you, MasterAltham, I said a _lady_."
Master Altham looked curious and interested. We call every woman a ladywho has either money or education; but in 1372 ranks were more sharplydefined. Only the wives and daughters of a prince, peer, or knight weretermed ladies; the wives of squires and gentlemen were gentlewomen;while below that they were simply called wives or maids, according asthey were married or single.
"This lady, then, shall be--Mercy on us! sure, Master Tynneslowe, you gonot about to have the maid into the household of my Lady's Grace ofCambridge, or the Queen's Grace herself of Castile?"
The Duke of Lancaster having married the heiress of Castile, he and hiswife were commonly styled King and Queen of Castile.
Mr Tynneslowe laughed. "Nay, there you fly your hawk at somewhat toohigh game," said he; "nathless [nevertheless], Master Altham, it is alady whom she shall serve, and a lady likewise who shall judge if she bemeet for the place. But first shall she be seen of a certaingentlewoman of my lady's household, that shall say whether she promisefair enough to have her name sent up for judgment. I reckon threenobles [one pound; present value, 6 pounds] by the year shall pay herreckoning."
"Truly, I would be glad she had so good place. And for plenishing, whatmust she have?"
"Store sufficient of raiment is all she need have, and such jewelling asit shall please you to bestow on her. All else shall be found. Thegentlewoman shall give her note of all that lacketh, if she be preferredto the place."
"And when shall she wait on the said gentlewoman?"
"Next Thursday in the even, at Master Goldsmith's."
"I will send her."
Mr Tynneslowe declined a second helping of hypocras, and took hisleave. The patty-maker saw him to the door, and then went back into hisshop.
"I have news for you, maids," said he.
Ricarda, who was arranging the fresh patties, looked up and stopped herproceedings; Alexandra brought her head in from the window. Amphillisonly, who sat sewing in the corner, went on with her work as if the newswere not likely to concern her.
"Phyllis, how shouldst thou like to go forth to serve a lady?"
A bright colour flushed into the pale cheeks.
"I, Uncle?" she said.
"A lady!" cried Alexandra in a much shriller voice, the word which hadstruck her father's ear so lightly being at once noted by her. "Saidyou a _lady_, Father? What lady, I pray you?"
"That cannot I say, daughter. Phyllis, thou art to wait on a certaingentlewoman, at Master Goldsmith's, as next Thursday in the even, thatshall judge if thou shouldst be meet for the place. Don thee in thybest raiment, and mind thy manners."
"May I go withal, Father?" cried Alexandra.
"There was nought said about thee. Wouldst thou fain be put forth? Inever thought of no such a thing. Maybe it had been better that I hadspoken for you, my maids."
"I would not go forth to serve a city wife, or such mean gear," saidAlexandra, contemptuously. "But in a lady's household I am well assuredI should become the place better than Phyllis. Why, she has not a wordto say for herself,--a poor weak creature that should never--"
"Hush, daughter! Taunt not thy cousin. If she be a good maid anddiscreet, she shall be better than fair and foolish."
"Gramercy! cannot a maid be fair and discreet belike?"
"Soothly so. 'Tis pity she is not oftener."
"But may we not go withal, Father?" said Ricarda.
"Belike ye may, my maid. Bear in mind the gentlewoman looks to seeAmphillis, not you, and make sure that she wist which is she. Then Isee not wherefore ye may not go."
Any one who had lived in Mr Altham's house from that day till theThursday following would certainly have thought that Alexandra, notAmphillis, was the girl chosen to go. The former made far more fussabout it, and she was at the same time preparing a new mantle wherein toattend the tournament, of which Amphillis was summoned to do all theplain and uninteresting parts. The result of this preoccupation wouldhave been very stale pastry on the counter, if her father had not seento that item for himself. Ricarda was less excited and egotistical, yetshe talked more than Amphillis.
The Thursday evening came, and the three girls, dressed in their bestclothes, took their way to the Dolphin. The Court goldsmith was a moreselect individual than Mr Altham, and did not serve in his own shop,unless summoned to a customer of rank. The young men who were there hadevidently been prepared for the girls' coming, and showed them upstairswith a fire of jokes which Alexandra answered smartly, while Amphilliswas silent under them.
They were ushered into the private chamber of the goldsmith's daughter,who sat at work, and rose to receive them. She kissed them all, forkissing was then the ordinary form of greeting, and people only shookhands when they wished to be warmly demonstrative.
"Is the gentlewoman here, Mistress Regina?"
"Sit you down," said Mistress Regina, calmly. "No, she is not yet come.She will not long be. Which of you three is de maiden dat go shall?"
"That my cousin is," said Alexandra, making fun of the German girl'ssomewhat broken English, though in truth she spoke it fairly for aforeigne
r. But Amphillis said gently--
"That am I, Mistress Regina; and I take it full kindly of you, that youshould suffer me to meet this gentlewoman in your chamber."
"So!" was the answer. "You shall better serve of de three."
Alexandra had no time to deliver the rather pert reply which she waspreparing, for the door opened, and the young man announced "MistressChaucer."
Had the girls known that the lady who entered was the wife of a manbefore whose fame that of many a crowned monarch would pale, and whosepoetry should live upon men's lips when five hundred years had fled,they would probably have looked on her with very different eyes. Butthey knew her only as a Lady of the Bedchamber, first to the deceasedQueen Philippa, and now to the Queen of Castile, and therefore deservingof all possible subservience. Of her husband they never thought at all.The "chiel amang 'em takin' notes" made no impression on them: but fivecenturies have passed since then, and the chiel's notes are sterling yetin England.
Mistress Chaucer sat down on the bench, and with quiet but rapid glancesappraised the three girls. Then she said to Amphillis--
"Is it thou whom I came to see?"
Amphillis louted, and modestly assented, after which the lady took nofurther notice of the two who were the more anxious to attract herattention.
"And what canst thou do?" she said.
"What I am told, Mistress," said Amphillis.
"_Ach_!" murmured Regina; "you den can much do."
"Ay, thou canst do much," quietly repeated Mistress Chaucer. "Canstdress hair?"
Amphillis thought she could. She might well, for her cousins made hertheir maid, and were not easily pleased mistresses.
"Thou canst cook, I cast no doubt, being bred at a patty-shop?"
"Mistress, I have only dwelt there these six months past. My father wasa poor gentleman that died when I was but a babe, and was held to demeanhimself by wedlock with my mother, that was sister unto mine uncle,Master Altham. Mine uncle was so kindly as to take on him the charge ofbreeding me up after my father died, and he set my mother and me in alittle farm that 'longeth to him in the country: and at after shedeparted likewise, he took me into his house. I know somewhat ofcookery, an' it like you, but not to even my good cousins here."
"Oh, Phyllis is a metely fair cook, when she will give her mindthereto," said Alexandra with a patronising air, and a little toss ofher head--a gesture to which that young lady was much addicted.
A very slight look of amusement passed across Mistress Chaucer's face,but she did not reply to the remark.
"And thy name?" she asked, still addressing Amphillis.
"Amphillis Neville, and your servant, Mistress."
"Canst hold thy peace when required so to do?" Amphillis smiled. "Iwould endeavour myself so to do."
"Canst be patient when provoked of other?"
"With God's grace, Mistress, I so trust." Alexandra's face wore anexpression of dismay. It had never occurred to her that silence andpatience were qualities required in a bower-maiden, as the maid orcompanion to a lady was then called; for the maid was the companionthen, and was usually much better educated than now--as education wasunderstood at that time. In Alexandra's eyes the position was simplyone which gave unbounded facilities for flirting, laughing, andgiddiness in general. She began to think that Amphillis was less to beenvied than she had supposed.
"And thou wouldst endeavour thyself to be meek and buxom [humble andsubmissive] in all things to them that should be set over thee?"
"I would so, my mistress."
"What fashions of needlework canst do?"
"Mistress, I can sew, and work tapestry, and embroider somewhat if thepattern be not too busy [elaborate, difficult]. I would be glad tolearn the same more perfectly."
Mistress Chaucer rose. "I think thou wilt serve," said she. "But I canbut report the same--the deciding lieth not with me. Mistress Regina, Ipray you to allow of another to speak with this maid in your chamberto-morrow in the even, and this time it shall be the lady that must makechoice. Not she that shall be thy mistress, my maid; she dwelleth nothereaway, but far hence."
Amphillis cared very little where her future duties were to lie. Shewas grateful to her uncle, but she could hardly be said to love him; andher cousins had behaved to her in such a style, that the sensationcalled forth towards them was a long way from love. She felt alone inthe world; and it did not much signify in what part of that lonely placeshe was set down to work. The only point about which she cared at allwas, that she was rather glad to hear she was not to stay in London;for, like old Earl Douglas, she "would rather hear the lark sing thanthe mouse cheep."
The girls louted to Mistress Chaucer, kissed Regina, and went down intothe shop, which they found filled with customers, and Master Hermanhimself waiting on them, they being of sufficient consequence for thenotice of that distinguished gentleman. On the table set in the midstof the shop--which, like most tables at that day, was merely a couple ofboards laid across trestles--was spread a blue cloth, whereon restedvarious glittering articles--a silver basin, a silver-gilt bottle, a cupof gold, and another of a fine shell set in gold, a set of silverapostle spoons, so-called because the handle of each represented one ofthe apostles, and another spoon of beryl ornamented with gold; but noneof them seemed to suit the customers, who were looking for a suitablechristening gift.
"_Ach_! dey vill not do!" ejaculated Master Herman, spreading out hisfat fingers and beringed thumbs. "Then belike we must de jewels try.It is a young lady, de shild? _Gut_! den look you here. Here is debotoner of perry [button-hook of goldsmith's work], and de bottons--twelf--wrought wid garters, wid lilies, wid bears, wid leetle bells, orwid a reason [motto]--you can haf what reason you like. Look you hereagain, Madam--de ouches [brooches]--an eagle of gold and enamel, SaintGeorge and de dragon, de white hart, de triangle of diamonds; look youagain, de paternosters [rosaries], dey are _lieblich_! gold and coral,gold and pearls, gold and rubies; de rings, sapphire and ruby anddiamond and smaragdus [emerald]--_ach_! I have it. Look you here!"
And from an iron chest, locked with several keys, Master Herman producedsomething wrapped carefully in white satin, and took off the cover as ifhe were handling a baby.
"Dere!" he cried, holding up a golden chaplet, or wreath for the head,of ruby flowers and leaves wrought in gold, a large pearl at the base ofevery leaf--"dere! You shall not see a better sight in all decity--_ach_! not in Nuremburg nor Coln. Dat is what you want--it is_schon, schon_! and dirt sheap it is--only von hundert marks. You takeit?"
The lady seemed inclined to take it, but the gentleman demurred at thehundred marks--66 pounds, 13 shillings and 4 pence, which, reduced tomodern value, would be nearly eleven hundred pounds; and the girls, whohad lingered as long as they reasonably could in their passage throughthe attractive shop, were obliged to pass out while the bargain wasstill unconcluded.
"I'd have had that chaplet for myself, if I'd been that lady!" saidAlexandra as they went forward. "I'd never have cast that away for achristening gift."
"Nay, but her lord would not find the money," answered Ricarda.
"I'd have had it, some way," said her sister. "It was fair enough for aqueen. Amphillis, I do marvel who is the lady thou shalt serve.There's ever so much ado ere the matter be settled. 'Tis one granderthan Mistress Chaucer, trow, thou shalt see to-morrow even."
"Ay, so it seems," was the quiet answer.
"Nathless, I would not change with thee. I've no such fancy for silenceand patience. Good lack! but if a maid can work, and dress hair, andthe like, what would they of such weary gear as that?"
"Maids be not of much worth without they be discreet," said Amphillis.
"Well, be as discreet as thou wilt; I'll none of it," was the flippantreply of her cousin.
The young ladies, however, did not neglect to accompany Amphillis on hersubsequent visit. Regina met them at the door.
"She is great lady, dis one, I am sure," said she. "Pray you, mind yourrespects."
The great lady carried on her conversation in French, which in 1372 wasthe usual language of the English nobles. Its use was a survival fromthe Norman Conquest, but the Norman-French was very far from pure, beingderided by the real French, and not seldom by Englishmen themselves.Chaucer says of his prioress:--
"And French she spake full fair and fetously [cleverly], After the scole of Stratford-atte-Bow, For French of Paris was to hire [her] unknow."
This lady, the girls noticed, spoke the French of Paris, and was ratherless intelligible in consequence. She put her queries in a short, quickstyle, which a little disconcerted Amphillis; and she had a weary,irritated manner. At last she said shortly--
"Very well! Consider yourself engaged. You must set out from London onLammas Day [August 1st], and Mistress Regina here, who is accustomed tosuch matters, will tell you what you need take. A varlet will come tofetch you; take care you are ready. Be discreet, and do not get intoany foolish entanglements of any sort."
Amphillis asked only one question--Would the lady be pleased to tell herthe name and address of her future mistress?
"Your mistress lives in Derbyshire. You will hear her name on the way."
And with a patronising nod to the girls, and another to Regina, the ladyleft the room.
"Lammas Day!" cried Alexandra, almost before the door was closed."Gramercy, but we can never be a-ready!"
"_Ach! ja_, but you will if you hard work," said Regina.
"And the jousting!" said Ricarda.
"What for the jousting?" asked Regina. "You are not knights, dat youjoust?"
"We should have seen it, though: a friend had passed his word to takeus, that wist how to get us in."
"We'll go yet, never fear!" said her sister. "Phyllis must workdouble."
"Den she will lose de sight," objected Regina.
"Oh, _she_ won't go!" said Alexandra, contemptuously. "Much she knowsabout tilting!"
"What! you go, and not your cousin? I marvel if you about it know moredan she. And to see a pretty sight asks not much knowing."
"I'm not going to slave myself, I can tell you!" replied Alexandra."Phyllis must work. What else is she good for?"
Regina left the question unanswered. "Well, you leave Phyllis wid me; Ihave something to say to her--to tell her what she shall take, and howshe must order herself. Den she come home and work her share--no more."
The sisters saw that she meant it, and they obeyed, having no desire tomake an enemy of the wealthy goldsmith's daughter.