Lady Sybil's Choice: A Tale of the Crusades Page 16
It will be perceived from the following table, that in the story, thethree Williams, sons of Count Geoffrey, have been made into one; andthat the sisters, Alix and Elaine, are fictitious characters.
The House of Lusignan begins about A.D. 900, with Hugues I., surnamed_Le Veneur_. Eighth in descent from him we find--
Hugues VIII., died 1164. _Married_--
Bourgogne, daughter of Geoffroy de Rancon.
1. Hugues IX, _died_ 1206. _Married_--
Mahaud, daughter of Wulgrain III., Count of Angouleme.
2. GEOFFROY, COUNT DE LA MARCHE, living 1210. [Character imaginary.]_Married_--
(A) Eustacie de Chabot.
(B) Clemence, daughter of Hugues Viscount de Chatelherault. [Characterimaginary.]
_Issue of Hugues IX. and Mahaud_:--
Hugues X., le Brun: _killed_ at Massoura, 1249. _Married_--
Isabelle, Countess of Angouleme, and widow of John King of England;_mar._ 1217-21; _died_ 1246.
[From this marriage sprang the House of Valence, Earls of Pembroke,famous in English history.]
_Issue of Count Geoffroy and Eustacie_:--
1. GUILLAUME, surnamed _a la grande dent_, _died_ issueless before 1250._Married_--
UMBERGE, daughter of the Viscount de Limoges. [Character imaginary.]
2. GUILLAUME, Lord of Mairevant. _Married_--
3. GUILLAUME de Valence, _died_ 1170.
4. GUY, Count of Jaffa and Ascalon: _crowned_ King of Jerusalem, Sept.1186; _died Sept._, 1193-6. [See the previous article.]
5. AMAURY, _died_ 1205. _Married_--
(A) ESCHINE, daughter of Beaudouin d'Ibellin, Lord of Rames; _died_1193. [Character imaginary.]
(B) ISABEL I., Queen of Jerusalem. [See last article.]
6. RAOUL d'Issoudun, _d._ 1218-9. _Married_, before Aug. 31, 1199.
Alice, Countess of Eu: living Sept. 19, 1119.
_Issue of Guillaume Lord of Mairevant_:--
1. VALENCE, _mar._ Hugues, Lord of Parthenay.
2. Elise, or Aline, _mar._ Bartholome, Lord de La Haye.
_Issue of Amaury and Eschine_:--
1. GUY, _died_ young.
2. Jean, _died_ young.
3. HUGUES, _died_ 1219. _Married_--
Alix I., Queen of Jerusalem. [See last article]
4. Bourgogne, _mar._ Gaultier de Montbelliard.
5. HELOISE, _mar._ (1) Eudes de Dampierre; (2) Rupin, Prince of Antioch.
[For issue of Amaury and Queen Isabel, see last article.]